(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
Matthew’s discussion, below, not only corrects the impression of “complete debt forgiveness,” which it isn’t, but also gives a glimpse into the philosophy of “financial fairness” underlying the economic provisions of NESARA.
Matthew’s Message, Aug. 26, 2017, at https://www.matthewbooks.com
“Can Matthew please elaborate on this statement: ‘Debt forgiveness that you may have heard about will be done on an individual basis, not across the board.’” [May 30, 2017]
We thank this reader—that statement does beg more explanation than we have given in previous messages. Many who know of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, United States legislation commonly known as NESARA, interpret its debt forgiveness provision as canceling all debts incurred by all citizens of that country.
That is not correct. The intent of that provision is financial fairness worldwide, and that would not be accomplished by wiping the slates clean of people whose debts are due to flagrant spending and luxurious living while ignoring the people who owe nothing because they have nothing. The provision is part and parcel of global economic reformation that will end the dark ones’ international web of deceit and control that for centuries has been enriching the wealthiest few and consigning the masses to impoverishment.
Therefore, one aim of the provision is eradicating the balance of loans made to countries by the International Monetary Fund, an Illuminati operation. When national leaders kept the monies in exchange for control of the country’s natural resources and the debt went to the people, reimbursement of loan and interest payments will go directly into building or upgrading those countries’ infrastructures and other areas in consonance with the voice of the citizenry.
This comprehensive undertaking will be supervised by experienced managers selected by and accountable to a council of internationally respected persons. Loans that have been repaid in full will be returned with interest to governments that used the funds to benefit the people; that will undergird those nations’ fiscal stability and promote the growth of prosperity.
Debt relief on an individual basis will benefit people who pay usurious interest rates and burdensome taxes. This part of the provision calls for reducing balances of mortgages, other loans and credit accounts by the amount of interest and income taxes paid through the years. The combination of payments will eliminate the debt load of many, and, if it exceeds debts, individuals will be given the amount of the excess.
Financial assistance will be provided to people living in rental residences or are homeless and to persons who have student loans—those also will be calculated on an individual basis. If people who qualify for the described reimbursements or assistance no longer are living, the amount will be distributed to their families or in accordance with their wills.
We have been told that this mammoth undertaking will begin as quickly as possible after acquisition of the funds, the Illuminati’s illegally and immorally amassed vast fortunes that still are in their grasp. Because this endeavor is global in scope and aiding the impoverished is the first priority, patience will be your ally as you await “your turn.” During the interim, please use the universal law of attraction for your best interests—the power of positive thoughts and feelings cannot be overstated!